Tous les programmes French Tech dans un annuaire
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Décarbonez vos bâtiments, simplement. 1/3 des émissions de CO2 en France viennent des bâtiments, et parmi celles-ci, le chauffage et la climatisation sont responsables de 75%. Accenta aide les propriétaires immobiliers à réduire et décarboner drastiquement leurs consommations de chauffage et climatisation de manière garantie et sans investir. Pour cela … [voir plus]

Increase Sustainability, Energy Efficiency & Productivity for your Industrial Facilities METRON is a French Cleantech, leader of energy performance, energy cost & carbon footprint reduction for international groups, thanks to its digital platform of energy management and optimization. Thanks to its Energy Management & Optimization System (EMOS) platform, METRON provides … [voir plus]

Solar radiation and cloud cover observation and forecasting . Reuniwatt offers innovative & patented solutions for cloud observation and cloud cover forecasting • Renewable Energy • Atmospheric Sciences • Defence & Space • Aviation and air traffic management Reuniwatt's products are: • Our patented all-sky imagers: All-Sky Cameras Sky InSightTM … [voir plus]

Proprietary drone based magnetic technology for the automation of pipelines & cables maintenance in complex environments Skipper NDT is the market leading deeptech technology enabling buried pipeline maintenance automation using UAVs. The company leverages the most recent hardware and software innovations, combined with magnetic measurements, to provide pipeline operators with … [voir plus]