French Tech 2030
Lancé en partenariat avec le Secrétariat général pour l’investissement et Bpifrance, le programme French Tech 2030 accompagne pendant deux ans les acteurs émergents qui répondent à de grands enjeux de société, selon les priorités stratégiques du plan France 2030. Les 125 entreprises sélectionnées bénéficient d’un accompagnement financier et extra-financier, coordonné par la Mission French Tech.
French Tech 2030
Our mission : to produce graphene for a competitive, sustainable and responsible industry. BLACKLEAF (BL) is a start-up that has developed an ecofriendly process to produce Few-Layer Graphene (FLG) in a cheaper, faster and greener way than any other processes. This process makes this material affordable for many industrial sectors … [voir plus]
Calyxia – Advanced, customizable, and biodegradable microcapsules Leader in microencapsulation - Advanced Sustainable Chemistry. Calyxia designs, manufactures, and sells high-performing and eco-engineered microcapsule solutions that enable global manufacturers to advance product performance and achieve sustainability goals. We serve leading industrial clients in Agriculture, Cosumer Care, and Advanced Materials. [voir plus]
Faircraft develops a highly sustainable, lab-grown alternative to animal leather. Faircraft develops a highly sustainable, lab-grown alternative to animal leather, based on advanced tissue engineering and material science techniques. [voir plus]
Making the impossible by sculpting carbon at nanoscale Stemming from CEA and MIT research on vertically aligned carbon nanotubes (VACNT), NAWAH is today the world leader of this revolutionary material, key to the energy transition and many other applications. NAWAH designs, manufactures, and sells products for the composite and hydrogen … [voir plus]
We provide durable solutions to recyclers manufacturers and waste managers of plastic materials via our digital platform Circular economy is the key attribute of Poly to Poly. Our expertise in the area of analysis and characterization helps our recyclers add value to their products and at the same time provide … [voir plus]
Imaginer, concevoir, produire les matériaux de demain Industrialiser la production frittage SPS (Spark Plasma Sintering) SINTERMAT est une start-up en forte croissance qui réconcilie technologie, industrie et environnement. À partir de matières industrielles et naturelles, nous concevons des matériaux à haute performance pour les secteurs du luxe, de l’emballage, de … [voir plus]
Augmented wood / Decarbonized materials for a new industrial revolution. Woodoo Augmented wood unlock a new industrial age and pave the way to a net-zero world. How? By transforming wood at the molecular scale, turning it into sustainable high-performance material alternatives to steel, glass, leather, plastics, without sacrificing our planet's … [voir plus]