The most cost-effective floating wind turbines
EOLINK develops cost-effective floating wind parks.
We rethink wind turbines' architecture thanks to the yawing capability provided by floating foundations. The conventional single tower is therefore replaced by a set of arms. This enables a lighter and stiffer foundation.
Targeting the best in class LCOE, EOLINK prepares a +12MW application.
2013 : First patent
2016-September : Proof of concept - 1/50 model with misaligned wind and waves at IFREMER facilities
2018-April : Nearshore prototype - 1/10 prototype has been commissioned on Ifremer test site
Eolink - La solution innovante d'éoliennes flottantes
EOLINK développe une solution intégrée turbine-flotteur adaptée à l’éolien flottant et réapplicable à grande échelle au niveau français et européen