Electra is a european charge point operator for electric vehicles. Member of French Tech Next 40.
Electra is a european charge point operator. The company deploys and operates fast charging points with a clear ambition : to facilitate the adoption of electric vehicles through a vast, fast, and high-performing charging network.
Electra has earned the trust of major corporations such as Vinci Autoroutes, Stellantis, G7, AccorInvest, Altarea, Indigo, Louvre Hotels Group, and even the Delhaize Group in Belgium.
With a team of 215 expert employees, Electra makes significant investments in innovation and research to provide a unique user experience: rich, intuitive, and customizable mobile interfaces.
Electra operates in 9 countries and is committed to expanding its network to 15,000 fast charging points by 2030. www.go-electra.com
Des bornes de recharge rapide : une expérience révolutionnaire
Localisez nos bornes de recharge Electra et rechargez votre véhicule électrique à la vitesse de l’éclair. Des “Superchargeurs” simples à utiliser, et fiables.