French Tech 2030
Lancé en partenariat avec le Secrétariat général pour l’investissement et Bpifrance, le programme French Tech 2030 accompagne pendant deux ans les acteurs émergents qui répondent à de grands enjeux de société, selon les priorités stratégiques du plan France 2030. Les 125 entreprises sélectionnées bénéficient d’un accompagnement financier et extra-financier, coordonné par la Mission French Tech.
French Tech 2030
Energy Hydrogen anyWhere Enhywhere designs refueling stations to fill the gap in the market and alleviate the industry’s pain point. Enhywhere offers competitive, all-inclusive hydrogen supply and fueling solutions for all applications requiring access to a green fuel. [voir plus]
Delivering the promise of immunotherapy Enterome is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing breakthrough immunomodulatory drugs for the treatment of cancer and immune diseases. Enterome’s pioneering approach to drug discovery is based on its unique and powerful bacterial Mimicry drug discovery platform, which allows it to analyze and uncover new biological … [voir plus]
The most cost-effective floating wind turbines EOLINK develops cost-effective floating wind parks. We rethink wind turbines' architecture thanks to the yawing capability provided by floating foundations. The conventional single tower is therefore replaced by a set of arms. This enables a lighter and stiffer foundation. Targeting the best in class … [voir plus]
end-to-end space mobility. We are an end-to-end space mobility operator. Exotrail is a #space company which designs, develops, and operate #mobility solutions for an agile space. Our mission is to deliver mobility solutions for an efficient & sustainable space. Thanks to this, a new world of telecommunication, Earth observation and … [voir plus]
Fabentech is a privately owned biopharmaceutical SME based in Lyon (France) and created in 2009, which develops immunotherapies to address situations of emergency. In an environment where the globalization of trade accelerates the spread of epidemics and where the geopolitical context increases the risk of bioterrorist attacks, nations should be … [voir plus]
Faircraft develops a highly sustainable, lab-grown alternative to animal leather. Faircraft develops a highly sustainable, lab-grown alternative to animal leather, based on advanced tissue engineering and material science techniques. [voir plus]
Les moteurs de bateaux à nageoires - Powered by Nature FinX développe & commercialise une technologie innovante de propulsion nautique, qui remplace les hélices des bateaux par des nageoires compactes et efficaces. moteurs de bateau and transports maritimes [voir plus]
Private 5G Networks Made Simple Firecell develops, packages and distributes Private 4G / 5G Networks as simple and affordable as WiFi. Firecell’s end-to-end solutions comprise hardware and software and can be deployed on-premise, in the cloud, or at the edge. Firecell’s software base layer is both O-RAN and Open Source. … [voir plus]
Nous croyons que l'Homme est vivant quand la Terre est vivante. Nous revitalisons les sols en restaurant et renforçant l’équilibre minéral et biologique des sols. Nous agissons sur la fertilité naturelle des sols et la nutrition des plantes pour une triple performance agronomique, économique et écologique. Nous développons, fabriquons et … [voir plus]
Ganymed Robotics
Orthopedics for visionaries There are more and more humans. More and more of them need surgery. Orthopedics especially is driven primarily by age and weight so... yeah. It's going to be impossible to train as many surgeons, let alone good and experienced ones, as the world needs. So what do … [voir plus]
Cybersecurity for business serenity Leader technologique dans la détection des cybermenaces, Gatewatcher protège depuis 2015 les réseaux critiques des grandes entreprises et des institutions publiques. Nos solutions associent l’IA à des techniques d’analyse dynamiques pour offrir une vision à 360° et en temps réel des cybermenaces sur l’ensemble du réseau, … [voir plus]
Industrial Technology for Sustainable Direct Lithium Extraction (DLE) GeoLith is committed to enabling sufficient Battery Energy Storage System capacity, offering technology that allows local, sustainable lithium production.Whether for power transmission or for electric mobility, lithium is critical for the manufacture of storage devices and achieving energy transition. [voir plus]
The end-to-end platform for Secrets Security. ***** We're hiring: building an outstanding team of developers in Paris right now! Apply! ***** GitGuardian is a cybersecurity start-up embarked on a mission to take credentials out of source code. Did you know that hacking your company can be as easy as a … [voir plus]
Valoriser, protéger, nourrir Green Impulse est une Start-up Française qui développe de nouvelles solutions de biocontrôle pour l'agriculture et s'engage pour réduire l'usage des pesticides. [voir plus]
Greenly | Certified B Corp
We make carbon management precise & intuitive. The #1 solution for climate conscious companies on a path to Net Zero. Greenly makes carbon accounting and sustainability reporting precise and intuitive for your company, allowing you to fast-track you transition towards net-zero-carbon economy. The platform enables your company to measure, monitor, … [voir plus]
Green Spot Technologies
Challenging the food waste paradigm to feed a better future ✨Earthshot Prize ✨French Tech Agri20 ✨French Tech 2030 Green Spot Technologies (GST) utilise sa technologie de fermentation en milieu solide et l'upcycling pour proposer les ingrédients alimentaires de demain. 1/ Gamme de solutions alternatives d'ingrédients cacao Ferment'Up, des poudres permettant … [voir plus]
GreenWaves Technologies
GAP - AI & DSP processors for the next generation of hearables and IoT Devices We are a fabless semiconductor company, based in Grenoble, France. We design highly efficient and easy to program ultra-low-power RISC-V processors. They interpret and transform rich data sources such as images, sounds and radar signals … [voir plus]
Groupe Absolut
Comprendre la Terre - Concevoir le Futur L’innovation cryogénique au service de la décarbonation, de la fiabilisation et du contrôle de l’infrastructure énergétique. Depuis plus de 10 ans le groupe Absolut est reconnu pour sa capacité d’innovation et un savoir-faire unique en cryogénie multi-secteurs. Avec des compétences en développement de … [voir plus]
Development of PEM Fuel Cell Systems and electric solutions powered with hydrogen H2SYS propose des solutions électriques à partir d’hydrogène. Spécialiste des systèmes pile à combustible, H2SYS développe, conçoit et fabrique des solutions technologiques et innovantes pour produire de l’électricité bas carbone. H2SYS propose 4 gammes de produits: des systèmes … [voir plus]
Hoffmann Green Cement Technologies
Pionnier du ciment décarboné Fondé en 2014 et basé à Bournezeau en Vendée, Hoffmann Green conçoit, produit et commercialise des ciments innovants fortement décarbonés, avec une empreinte carbone divisée par 5 par rapport à des ciments traditionnels, qui présentent, à dosage équivalent et sans aucune modification du processus de fabrication … [voir plus]
Time to Care En 2018, Télécom Santé évolue et devient HOPPEN - Time to Care pour accompagner sa propre transformation. Depuis 2011, nous mettons notre expertise technologique au service des établissements de santé grâce à une gamme de produits et de services conçus, développés et maîtrisés de bout en bout … [voir plus]
ImCheck Therapeutics
Bringing a novel class of Butyrophilin-targeted checkpoint modulators into the clinic ImCheck Therapeutics is designing and developing a new generation of immunotherapeutic antibodies targeting butyrophilins, a novel super-family of immunomodulators. As demonstrated by lead clinical-stage program ICT01, which has a mechanism of action to simultaneously modulate innate and adaptive immunity, … [voir plus]
AI Cardiac Remote Monitoring Implicity® is a digital MedTech company - founded by cardiac electrophysiologist Arnaud Rosier MD - that provides a universal cardiac remote monitoring and research platform to hospitals and clinics - helping them provide the best remote care to cardiac patients. Implicity develops unique AI and knowledge-based … [voir plus]
We co-create and distribute AI algorithms for Medical Imaging on a single platform. Saving time, Saving lives, Together. We co-create with the medical centers applications of IA for radiology. Healthcare professionals are now overwhelmed by the volume of patients. They need new tools. As guarantors of our health system, medical … [voir plus]
Climate change is the challenge of our generation. As innovators, we believe disruptive technology can bring performant solutions to the most dire challenges we face as a society. As we seek a more respectful way of living on our planet, nature itself has much to offer and teach us, starting … [voir plus]
INOCEL is accelerating the energy transition by democratizing cutting-edge high-performance hydrogen fuel cells INOCEL is a company based in France that designs, manufactures, and markets high power, modular fuel cells for stationary, heavy ground mobility and marine sectors. INOCEL expertise includes the end-to-end development of fuel cells and their integration … [voir plus]
Save grain value by data. Notre mission est de rendre l’après-récolte plus simple, plus efficace et plus responsable grâce à sa transformation digitale, afin de contribuer à une filière céréalière européenne durablement créatrice de valeur. L’après-récolte est un maillon essentiel de la chaîne de la valeur agricole. Chez Javelot, nous … [voir plus]
Chaleur industrielle décarbonée Jimmy conçoit et opère des générateurs thermiques atomiques pour décarboner massivement l'industrie [voir plus]
Intelligent Data Processing from Cloud to Edge. Kalray (Euronext Growth Paris - FR0010722819 - ALKAL) est une société de semi-conducteurs « fabless », leader dans une nouvelle génération de processeurs, spécialisés dans le traitement intelligent des données tant au niveau du « Cloud » que du « Edge » (à … [voir plus]
The leading environmental intelligence company Kayrros is the leader in global environmental intelligence and asset observation technology. Applying AI and cutting-edge geoanalytics to satellite imagery and ground-truth data, we are trusted to deliver critical intelligence on energy, climate and sustainability. Kayrros insights on reducing greenhouse gases, protecting people and assets, … [voir plus]
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